Friday, June 11, 2010


So, I'm really, really sorry I haven't been able to post the next part yet. I've just been really busy with school and everything. Luckily though, classes are finished and now all I have to worry about it exams. That means more updates. :)

So, tomorrow (or, later today since it's 12:30am) I'll be posting the next update. I'm just tired and need sleep or I'd finish writing it right now.

So, sorry for keeping you guys waiting, but I'll definitely be updating today. :]

And, as you've probably noticed I've changed the layout and such. Do you like it or should I change it back to the old one? I just want it to be easy for everyone to read. Hopefully it isn't hard on the eyes. XD

And, yay for Chicago! :D Whoo!

Ily guys. :) Thanks so much for standing by and reading! I really appreciate it! :D


  1. Love the new layout (suits the title) and good luck with exams/results. Can't wait for another one :)

  2. I like the new background, very cool. As for the updates, my philosophy is "update when you can, but don't apologize for having a life" LOL! I'm sure all your readers understand.

  3. PS: the grey font in comments is a little light to read, but maybe that's just my computer.

  4. I agree...the gray is a little too light to read without getting a headache.

  5. Hmmm.. I'm not sure how to fix the grey or I would. :/
